Welcome to the Little World of Dej Morrison


Has your body/weight/appearance/skin ever deterred you from wearing a certain style or outfit that you really liked? Has it stopped you from going to a pool party? Stopped you from going for that job or promotion? Has it stopped you from putting your best foot forward? SIS, me too. I want you to know that you are most definitely not alone and you also are not crazy. We live in a world where women are constantly criticized for how they look. Is it right? No. But when has that ever stopped crappy things from happening? It sucks and for a long time (and still do on my bad days in full transparency) I would beat myself up about how I looked. Why was I not 130 pounds like all my other girlfriends? Why do I have eczema all over my skin? Why do I suffer from acne and hyperpigmentation? Why do I have cellulite? Why does my chin favour that of Peter Griffin? Don’t even get me started on the plethora of West Indian family members that make it their mission in life to point out that you have gained weight since the last time they saw you, as you go for your third plate of Thanksgiving dinner. Minding your business is free Aunty Patsy. 

What I am here to tell you is that luckily for us, none of that stuff matters. It took me a very long time to figure that out, and I hope I can save you some time and heartache. After years of self sabotaging, it finally hit me that my worth is not defined by how I look or by what other people think about me. What matters is how you feel about yourself. Accept what you cannot change because you’re wasting precious time worrying about something that is already set in stone.  And if there are things that you absolutely cannot accept, change them. We have such a brief time on this earth and you spend every second of every day in the body you have. Why not fall madly and deeply in love with it? Why not put yourself together in a way that makes you feel like you are THAT GIRL (or GUY, or whatever you identify as cause we don’t discriminate around here chile)? Why not do what makes you happy? You owe it to yourself and you are very deserving.

This blog will showcase all my fashion and style, beauty/makeup, music, travel and carnival experiences, and some financial/credit tips. These are my interests and forms of expression, and they have helped me gain some of my confidence back and bring me pure joy. I look forward to sharing these things with you and hopefully we can build a family and community of positivity and love. Thank you for taking the time out of your day to read my first post. I truly appreciate it and I hope you come back for the great posts that are to come in the future. 

Love always,



Styling Streetwear as a Plus Sized Woman